Daghøjskolen Gimle blev stiftet i 1996. Den gang hørte daghøjskolerne under undervisningsministeriet og fik statstilskud til eleverne. Siden 2001 har de hørt under kommunerne og tilskuddet til eleverne bestemmes af byrådet.
Formålet med Gimles undervisning og vejledning er at styrke deltagernes personlige kompetencer og dermed forbedre deres muligheder i uddannelsessystemet eller på arbejdsmarkedet.
Undervisningen er linjeopbygget og indeholder temaer som selvudvikling, psykologi, musik og film & TV og individuel uddannelses- og jobvejledning. Se Daghøjskolen Gimles hjemmeside her.
The day folk high school Gimle was founded in 1996. At that time, day folk high schools fell under the department of education and received state grants for their students. Since 2001 they have fallen under the municipalities and the grants for the students are now determined by the city council.
The purpose of Gimle’s teaching and instruction is to strengthen the personal competences of the participants and thus better their opportunities in the educational system or on the job market.
The teaching is organised in programmes and contains themes such as self-development, psychology, music and Films & TV and also individual education- and job guidance. Visit the day folk high school Gimle’s website here (in Danish).
I samarbejde med FO-Aarhus